Hello my lovelies! Have you ever met a lady that just sparkled with femininity? From her radiant smile to her warm, caring attitude, she made you feel special and loved. She may not have been young, slender, or perfectly coiffed. But she was truly beautiful. Femininity goes far beyond our outward appearance. It comes from the heart. In this post, I’m sharing my thoughts on how to be more feminine.
Here are 7 tips on how to be more feminine today.

1. Choose joy.
One of the most attractive qualities of a feminine woman is JOY.
And, today, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Joy doesn’t have to depend on your current circumstances. You can have joy even if you’re going through a storm.
To have joy, there is only one thing you need to do.
Give thanks.
That’s it. Pretty simple. Thankfulness produces joy.
As ladies, we sometimes get carried away with our emotions. (I’m speaking from experience here!) We focus on one or two negative things and feel discouraged and overwhelmed.
Instead of focusing on the problems in our lives, we should thank God for all His blessings and kindness to us. As we do this, He will give us true joy.
Don’t wait until all your hopes and dreams are fulfilled to be happy. You can be happy today—in the middle of ordinary chaos and everyday struggles. Choose joy today!

2. Speak gently.
“Her voice was ever soft, Gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman.”
William Shakespeare
As feminine ladies, we should seek to be gentle in our speech. Each of us has unique and different voices. Some ladies have a low, dramatic voice. Others have a high, lyric soprano. No matter what your natural voice type is, practice speaking in a gentle tone. Avoid harshness and excessive volume. Speak in a pleasant, kind voice.
Also, remember to be gentle in your words. If it is necessary to correct someone, do it privately, with a humble heart. Try to say something positive before you criticize them. And remember to follow Paul’s teaching in 2 Timothy 2:24-25. “…Be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves….”
Today, focus on building others up instead of tearing them down. Treat others with the same gentleness you would like to receive.

3. Give compliments.
A true lady is always seeking to encourage the people around her. She doesn’t see them as the competition. Rather, she is delighted when they succeed.
Today, look for ways you can verbally encourage others. Compliment your mom on her fine cooking. Tell your coworker that you love her purse, or new haircut, or blouse. Thank your brother for shovelling the driveway, and tell him what a fine husband he’s going to make someday.
Compliments add so much sweetness to everyday life. And they only take a little time and thought!
Today, seek to encourage others with your words.

4. Be sensitive to others.
As ladies, we tend to be more sensitive than men. We cry when we feel sad, and we can easily empathize with others who are hurting. God made us that way to fulfill our roles as wives and mothers.
To be honest, this feminine trait sometimes mystifies men. They may ask, “Why is she crying again? I don’t see anything wrong.” They just don’t understand that sometimes a girl just needs a good cry and a bear hug, and she’ll feel better.
It’s not difficult to be sensitive to our own needs. But we need to work on being sensitive to the needs of OTHERS.
How can we do this? First, we need to shift our perspective from self to others. Instead of focusing on our needs and goals, we need to look for ways to serve others.
Then, seek to listen fully to others. Be present for their needs and hurts. Provide a listening ear when they need to talk.
When someone is struggling, lower your expectations of them. Show some extra gentleness and patience.
Sensitivity to others is definitely an important aspect of how to be more feminine.
Today, be sensitive to the needs of others.

5. Stay humble.
Another key quality of feminine women is humility. Although a feminine woman has strengths and talents, she is not proud or puffed up. And she is not seeking attention. She is confident in her identity and doesn’t need the constant validation of others.
Instead of being self-absorbed, she forgets about self and focuses on loving God and loving others. This is true humility.
A feminine lady doesn’t look down on others who are less mature. And she remembers that she is still growing in Christ, too. She doesn’t condemn, gossip, or slander others. She is not self-righteous and critical. Instead, she speaks the truth in love and offers grace.
Today, choose humility. Focus on serving others, and forget about yourself.

6. Submit cheerfully.
In God’s design for society, He included clear structures. Citizens are to submit to the government. Wives are to submit to husbands. And children are to submit to parents and teachers. Submission means cheerfully following the wishes of someone else.
If no one submitted to authority, our society would be chaotic and unsafe! Submission is absolutely necessary in order to have a peaceful, fruitful life. And, it places you under the protection of your authority.
A truly feminine woman doesn’t rebel against her authorities. She understands that God’s design is best, and chooses to follow it.
NOTE: This does not mean that you should remain in an abusive situation. If you are being abused, seek help and wise counsel.
If you’re a single girl, your authorities probably include your parents, teachers or employers, and pastor. Or, if you’re married, your primary authority would be your husband.
To be more feminine, submission is key. If your authority hasn’t told you what they want, do your best to find out, and follow their wishes. Honour them with your words and your actions.
Today, choose to submit to your authorities with a sweet spirit.

7. Exercise self-control.
Feminine ladies exercise self-control in what they say, how they treat others, and how they act. They are not sloppy or lazy. Rather, they are diligent and disciplined.
It takes self-control to follow the other 6 tips I’ve given you today! And it takes self-control to love others even when they’re not very lovable.
How can you and I develop self-control? Here are some quick tips:
- Ask God for His help.
- Choose to say no to yourself sometimes.
- Do what you need to do, not what is convenient.
- Schedule your day instead of doing whatever you feel like doing.
- Exercise regularly.
- Limit your time on social media.
Today, choose to exercise self-control.
Which of these tips on how to be more feminine is your favourite? Which one do you most need to hear right now? And what would you add to my list? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section!

These are all very good, so as usual, it’s hard to pick just one! 😉 But if I must, I’ll say number 3 because of this: “She seeks to encourage”, “she doesn’t see others as competition” and “she rejoices in other people’s successes”. In our society, women are trying so hard to get to the top, to prove they’re just as capable as men. They tend to act as though life is a race where your main goal is to get past someone else. It’s good to stop to admire and appreciate some of the things (big or small) that others accomplish. We’re not competitors, we’re fellow women. 🙂
Well said, Stephanie! I agree completely. Due to the influence of feminism on our society, women are pushed to achieve career success and aim for the top. But I agree, all of us need to encourage one another and wish each other well. That’s exactly what the Bible says- rejoice with those who rejoice! Thanks for your wise words!
I just love ALL of these tips! I don’t think I could pick a favorite, because they are all equally important. But I do love being around joyful, thankful ladies.
These pictures of you are simply gorgeous!!! I love the ones with the hair clip in view. So pretty!
Awww, thank you! My younger brother took these photos (he does most of the blog photos) and he has a great eye for photography. I agree- joy is such an important quality of a feminine lady! Thanks for your kind words! ♥️ Claudine
These are all so important it’s hard to pick a favorite. I definitely think that cheerful submission is very important (and something I need to practice more.) If we refuse to submit to earthly authority, we aren’t likely to follow God’s plans either.
I love the photos. That coat looks stunning on you! It’s also nice how the cheery bright color balances out with the cozy winter background. Your brother does such a great job on the photography!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment, Natalie! I actually found this coat while thrifting and love it! I am really thankful for my brother’s photography skills- he has a great eye for it.
You’re right- cheerful submission is such an important habit to build. It’s not always easy, but it is so rewarding.
Thanks for your comment!
♥️ Claudine
This is such a good post, Claudine! I agree that these tips really make a difference in how a woman portrays herself. All areas that I can grow in, but submission is definitely one of them! I am very opinionated and strong-willed, and I understand that that trait can be good in some ways, but it can be not so good in others lol
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Elizabeth! Yes, submission can be tough. But, once you’ve got it, it’s so rewarding and really helps you make the most of your relationships.
Have a lovely weekend!
♥️ Claudine
I don’t have a favorite. These are all so important. I need to work on all of these myself!♥️
Thanks for sharing, Kiara! God is still helping me learn and grow in these areas, as well. I appreciate your kind comments! ♥️ Claudine
I liked this post for a number of reasons, Claudine! Every single suggestion was very practical . Almost impossible for me–but practical enough that I can try. I also think that that coat is so cute even though you look positively frozen. Keep up the great work!~
Thanks so much, Mama!! You’re the sweetest, and such a fine example of femininity! ♥️ Claudine
Amen your faith posts are so good, in a world where feminism is rampant its nice to see someone standing on God’s word.
Thank you so much, Kevin! I appreciate your encouragement. 🙂
Good things to practice, and nice pictures!
Thank you so much for commenting, Phebe! My sweet brother took the photos for me. 🙂
[…] neighbor?” Today’s post is all about how we can love the people God’s placed in our lives. As feminine ladies, loving others is a key character trait to develop. And it truly is incredibly […]