Faith, Relationships, Romance

An Open Letter to The Single Girl on Valentine’s Day

Hello my lovelies! If you’re a single girl, today’s post is especially for you. Being single isn’t always easy. It can be hard to wait, to be content, and to let God write your love story. But, I am so thankful for what God has taught me through singleness.

Today, I want to share an open letter to you, dear single girl.

First, let’s be honest. Singleness can isn’t always easy or fun.

And it can be a real trial. When you dream of getting married, yet you see no hopeful Possibilities on the horizon, you can get very discouraged.

You might wonder, “Did God forget about me? Maybe my standards are too high. Maybe I should have settled for that cute guy. I mean, he did say he believed in God. Maybe I could win him to Christ…”

No. Don’t go there.

single girl in red dress

It’s okay to admit that singleness is a trial.

The key is what you do with that trial.

You don’t have to pretend that everything is okay when your heart is breaking.

And you don’t have to give up all hope and resign yourself to being an old maid forever.

But you DO need to know that God gives grace for every trial that we will face.

If you’re struggling with being single, ask God for some “singleness grace.” Submit your future to Him, and let Him write your love story.

I did, and God answered so wonderfully! He strengthened me to keep trusting and obeying, even when I couldn’t see the next page of the story. He’ll do the same for you!

Get as close to God as you can now.

When you’re single, you might feel like skipping your Bible study or prayer time because you don’t feel like it or you’re “too busy.”

Girl, if you’re too busy for God, then you are definitely TOO BUSY.

And, if you’re not married, God’s primary goal for you is to be “holy both in body and in spirit.” That means you need to be sold out for God now.

Singleness is the best time to draw close to Christ and build a solid foundation for the rest of your life.

That way, you’ll know His voice when a young man walks into your life. You’ll be able to discern if this is His will or not.

And you’ll have the spiritual maturity and character to be a blessing to that man.

You will never regret spending time with God or time serving Him. Now is the time to seek God.

girl laughing and smiling, joy of the Lord

If you’re a single girl, find your joy in Christ.

And, when you truly seek God and get to know Him, you will love Him more than you ever did before. You’ll find a joy sweeter than any on earth and a peace that never shakes.

Are you dreaming of happily ever after one day? Then learn this truth, and learn it well.

If you want true joy, you need to love Jesus most.

You can’t pin all your hopes and expectations on a person. People mess up. Even if they love you dearly, they will disappoint you.

Only one Man deserves first place in our hearts, and His name is Jesus.

When we seek Him first and love Him best, then He will fill our hearts with joy that bubbles up into every relationship.

We will not love others less, but more.

And we will be happy, even when things are not perfect. (Which is 99% of real life, people!)

If you’re a single girl, be thankful.

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, thank God for all that He has given you. Each day, write down at least 15 things you are thankful for.

Thank your mom and dad for their hard work, for meals, for clean clothes. Thank your pastor for his ministry of the Word. If someone helps you or opens the door for you, say thank you!

As you count your blessings, you will start to feel happier and happier! And the joy of the Lord will become your strength.

single girl standing on the beach in a red dress

And don’t worry about the future. It’s NOT your job to find a man.

One day, I was really struggling and worried that I would NEVER get married. God spoke to my heart so sweetly, and one of the things He told me was that I had 2 options for the next few years.

  1. I could go through this season stressed out and worried.
  2. I could trust Him completely and go through this season with joy and thankfulness.

Either way, He would be faithful and provide a husband for me. But, what was I going to do?

I decided to trust Him. And, though I had moments where I caved and started to worry, I always came back to my decision to trust God. I knew that it was His responsibility, not mine, to provide a husband if that was His will. And God gave me peace and joy in the waiting.

For more encouragement, read How to Stop Worrying about the Future.

Get busy serving God.

In this season of life, you have more energy and enthusiasm than ever before. As a single girl, find a ministry you can do, and jump in!

Some of the most rewarding summers of my life were the ones I spent counselling at Bible camp. From painting my campers’ toenails to counselling tender hearts, I made so many sweet memories. And I learned how to depend on God’s grace like never before.

Here are some simple ideas to get you thinking…

  • Start a weekly or biweekly children’s Bible club in your home or at church.
  • If you’re musically gifted, practice special music for your church or make a Youtube video to encourage others.
  • If you know graphic design, volunteer to produce prayer cards or brochures for a missionary.
  • Sign up to clean the church once a month.
  • Visit elderly people in a retirement centre, and read the Bible to them.

Ask God to show you the best place to use your skills and abilities to serve Him!

girl in a dress with a red umbrella in the rain

Pray hard for your future man.

If you don’t feel called to a lifetime of single service (1 Corinthians 7:34), then you are probably going to be married someday.

And that means your future beloved is somewhere in the world right now.

He’s got struggles and burdens and people that are driving him crazy sanctifying him.

The devil is tempting him to sin, and he needs God’s grace to stand strong.

Will your prayers be there to help him? Will God’s angels say, “Oh, this is the one that girl keeps praying for!”?

Your future husband needs your prayers. He needs you to cry out to God for help, strength, victory over sin, and wisdom.

Will you pray for him?

Let’s Chat:

Dear single girls, don’t give up! Keep praying for your future beloved. While you wait, seek God with all your heart. Instead of feeling discouraged, find a ministry you can do for God. And, when you have a hard day, ask for God’s grace. Yield your future to Him, and ask Him to write your love story. Trust me…He writes the most beautiful ones!

girl watching the sunset, an open letter for the single girl

p.s. Some of the items in this post are affiliate links. I only post about products that I love + think you’ll probably love, too! As an Amazon Associate or affiliate for other programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. When you purchase through my link, I receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you SO much for your support!

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  1. Very encouraging letter, Claudine! I read this with a cup of tea right beside my little fire, accompanied by soft piano and violin hymns. Actually, to be quite honest I read this twice, and have saved the link so that I can easily come back and read this whenever I’m having a bad day. 💕 Thank you for this little letter, friend!

    1. admin says:

      Aww!ww Thank you so much, my sweet friend! Tea + soft hymns sound so relaxing. I am glad it was an encouragement. Love you lots! 💕Claudine

  2. Rachel says:

    Thank you so much for this Claudine! This is helpful and encouraging, and I’m glad to see I’m not the only young woman who falls back into struggling with the worry or not ever getting married.
    I loved all of this week’s posts, they were all super helpful. Keep up the good work!
    💙 Rachel

    1. admin says:

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Rachel! I am glad the posts were a blessing to you. God helped me a lot with them!
      God bless you, dear friend!

  3. I love this post, Claudine! I hear so many people give advice to singles and they always tell you to get busy. That was advice you included too, and I agree with it. BUT, like you, I don’t think it should be top of the list. I always tell people to go deep with God! That should be the first and foremost thing, to not mistake activity for holiness. I’m so glad you mentioned that first as well 😉

    1. admin says:

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Elizabeth! You’re so right. Knowing God should be our priority in every season of life! We always need His grace. Thanks again for being such a supportive reader and fellow blogger! 💞 Claudine

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