Hello lovelies! Do you dream of marrying a traditional man someday? Are you praying and preparing to be an amazing wife someday? If so, you’ll love today’s post. I’m sharing 5 more things that traditional guys want in a wife. By God’s grace, I believe these are things that we as young women should be working to improve in our lives. Let’s dive right in!
Read on for 5 more things traditional guys want in a wife.

1. Willingness to follow
When you look ahead to the future, what are your dreams? Have you already decided where you want to live, work, and grow old? Or are you trusting that God will guide your steps to what He wants?
One important quality that you should cultivate is a willingness to follow. What does that mean? In God’s plan for marriage, the husband is to lovingly lead, and the wife is to cheerfully follow. You can’t both lead. (See Ephesians 5.) Once you are married, it will be your job to be a helper to your husband and follow him. By doing this, you are obeying God. You will need to adapt your life to his to be the best wife you can be.
Even before you enter a relationship, decide that you will be willing to follow. Your future husband may make a decision that you don’t think is the best one. Will you follow? Or he may decide to move to the other side of the country. Will you follow? The answer should be a joyful yes.
Another important point is that the woman moves to the man. In Genesis 24, the servant returns to the homeland to find a bride for Isaac. But Isaac doesn’t move back to marry Rebekah. Rather, she moves to his home to become his wife. Don’t plan on making your man move to where you live. Be ready to move to where he lives! That’s the Biblical pattern.

2. Purity
One of the most valuable things that traditional guys want in a wife is purity. They want a young woman who has kept herself pure and saved her love for one man.
Purity starts in the mind—in what you are reading, listening to, and watching. If you watch impure movies and TV shows, they will influence your moral standards. Watching and listening to the everyday culture of the world will pollute your mind. Flee these things. Decide ahead of time what you will and will not watch. Set high standards for your entertainment.
Also, dress modestly. You may have a very beautiful body. But, if you flaunt it, you cause men to stumble in their thoughts. And you will also attract guys that are just interested in your body. To attract a prince, you need to dress like a princess. Godly guys appreciate modesty!
Before you begin a relationship, talk to your parents about physical boundaries. Pray for wisdom. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 7:1b, “It is good for a man not to touch a woman.”
Different people will have different boundaries, and that’s totally fine. But, you need to seek God for what He would have you to do and ask your parents’ advice, too.

3. Physical beauty
Although physical beauty is not THE most important thing traditional guys are looking for, it is definitely on the list. The good news is that guys are attracted to different types! One guy might prefer blonde hair, while another likes brunettes. Some guys like athletic girls who run 5Ks for fun, while others prefer curvy girls.
Instead of comparing your looks to the girl next door, focus on cultivating your own brand of beautiful. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight, and eat a balanced diet. If you have a weight problem, get your thyroid tested to ensure that you don’t have any thyroid issues. (They can cause serious weight gain.) Also, practice good grooming. If you wear makeup, use it to enhance your natural features, but don’t go overboard with trends.
Another important point is that many guys like girls to have long hair. Long hair is so beautiful and distinctly feminine. God’s Word says in 1 Corinthians 11:15, But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.”
I’ve noticed that some girls are chopping off their locks into a bob or shorter- but I don’t recommend this. It may be trendy, but most girls look far prettier with shoulder-length or longer hair. Yes, it may take a little more work to have long hair. But it’s well worth the effort! If you have long hair and don’t know what to do with it, check out Effortless Beauty on Youtube. They have lots of easy, pretty hairstyles to try!

4. Loyalty
One of the things that a traditional guy wants in a wife is loyalty. He doesn’t want to worry about his girlfriend or wife flirting with the cute guy at Walmart. Instead, he wants to know that she’ll be praising him behind him back. And he wants to know that his heart is safe with her.
Right now, you can practice being loyal in your relationships with friends and family. Avoid gossip. Stand up for your friends. Learn to keep a secret. And, be worthy of the trust people place in you.
As you get to know people, be friendly and warm with everyone. But don’t flirt, flatter, and seek out male attention. Because traditional young men value loyalty, they may put up with flirting. But they will silently write you off as a flirt and not good wife material. Instead, be your friendly self and treat everyone with courtesy and respect.
5. Debt free
This one may be a little tough for you, but hear me out. It’s hard to start married life with student loans. It can take years of work to pay off those debts. If a traditional guy is planning to be the breadwinner, that means he’s going to be the one paying off any debt that you bring to the table. That’s why you should think seriously before signing up for a student loan, a car loan, or any type of debt.
If you want to go to college or university, do your best to stay debt free. Apply for scholarships, get a part-time job, and live on a budget. If you must take out a loan, make it a small one. Aim to pay it off as soon as possible.
Being debt free isn’t easy, but it shows that you know how to be responsible with your money and manage it well. Check out Dave Ramsey’s website for more resources and a free budgeting tool, EveryDollar.
Let’s Chat:
If you missed the companion post, you can read it here: Top 5 Things That Godly Guys Want in a Wife. I’d love to hear…which do you think are the most important things that traditional guys want in a wife? And what would you add to my list?

Your thought on being debt free caught my immediate attention! This is a huge issue for several friends of mine; she went to collage, he went to collage, they both end up bringing students loans into the relationship! Talk about stress! Yikes! It’s a big thing to handle right after marriage. I so appreciate you mentioning that in this post!
Also, along the lines of money and relationships, I have personally started to save some of my money for my wedding. I think too many girls expect thier father to pay for everything from the venue to the little thank you gifts for the wedding party! I felt it was responsible to begin saving as well! 😊
Thank you for your wonderful post, Claudine, and the amount of time and dedication you have put into this Valentine’s Series! I know I am immensely enjoying it! ❤️
Yes, I agree completely! Money stress is hard on marriages, and it’s very important to be on the same page about your financial goals and money management philosophy.
What a fantastic idea to save up for your future wedding, too! Great thought.
Thank YOU for reading and commenting on my Valentine’s series! I am so glad you’ve enjoyed it. Praise the Lord! 💕