Hello my lovelies! If you’re a Christian young lady, you’ve probably made “The List” of what you’re looking for in a husband. Right down to the big blue eyes, sense of humour, and height (taller than me, please!). However, have you ever asked yourself what your future husband might be looking for in a wife? In today’s post, I’ll share the top 5 things that I believe most godly guys want in a wife. Each of these things are within our control. For example, even if you’re not a good cook, you can practice and improve your skills in the kitchen. My goal is not to discourage you if you don’t have all these qualities right now. Rather, I want to encourage you to keep growing as a godly woman.
Keep reading for the top 5 things that godly guys want in a wife.
1. Faithful walk with God
If you want to marry a godly guy, you need to be serious about your walk with God. Faith begins with choosing to accept Jesus as your Saviour. Next, you need to read your Bible and pray each day so you can grow closer to God. Find a good church that preaches the Gospel and teaches the Bible, and attend their services faithfully. Look for ways that you can help out. When God works in your heart about something, obey Him. If He points out something in your life that He doesn’t like, get rid of it.
If you’ve been a born again Christian for a long time, it’s easy to get complacent. You may think that you’re a pretty good Christian. To help you get a more realistic assessment, ask yourself, “If I met a guy who read the Bible as much as I did, prayed as much as I did, and was as obedient to God as I am, what would I think of him?” Would you think he was serious about his walk with God? If not, ask God to help you change.
No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, you should be seeking to grow closer to God. Each day, talk to God as you go about your day. Ask His advice when you have to make a decision. Thank Him for the blessings He gives you. A close walk with God is the most important thing that a godly guy wants in a wife.
2. A joyful, thankful spirit
Joy is the most attractive attribute a woman can have. Even the plainest face will be transformed by a radiant smile. And today I’m going to share a little secret with you.
Joy does not depend on your circumstances. It depends on your thoughts.
Solomon said it best, “All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.” (Proverbs 15:15) An “afflicted” person looks at life through eyes of self-pity and complaints. But a person with a merry heart enjoys life thoroughly. Of course she has difficulties from time to time, but the joy of the Lord is truly her strength. She knows how to squeeze every last drop of enjoyment from life by being thankful.
If you struggle with a lack of joy, start giving thanks. Each day, thank God frequently, thank your family, and thank everyone who helps you in some way. Wear a smile until it becomes second nature. Trust me—joy is THE secret to true beauty and attractiveness!
3. Good cook
Most guys love to eat. If you know how to cook well, they will definitely appreciate that. A friend of mine insists that she sealed the deal with her sweet-and-sour meatballs. Even though her boyfriend was a picky eater, he loved those meatballs, and they were soon engaged.
First, you should learn to cook some basic dinners, such as spaghetti, burgers and fries, chicken and potatoes, and homemade pizza. Pizza crust is actually super easy to make. And it will definitely impress a guy if he’s eaten frozen pizzas all his life. Another website that has tons of budget-friendly main dishes is Budget Bytes. (Her baked goods are not as good as her savoury recipes, though.)
Once you’ve mastered some basic meals, learn to bake homemade bread. I recommend starting with dinner rolls (usually easier) and then sandwich bread and raisin bread. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t turn out perfectly the first time. Keep practicing, and you’ll soon be turning out beautiful bread. Guys usually LOVE homemade bread, and they will be very impressed.
4. Hard worker
A traditional young man is most likely a hardworking young man. And he is not looking for a girl who spends more time on Pinterest or Instagram than she does working. He knows that raising a family takes two hard workers—not just one.
Are you a hard worker? For example, some of you may be in school. When you have free time, do you pitch in with household chores, or are you too busy chatting with your friends? Or you may have a job outside the home. Are you on time, dependable, and hardworking? Or does someone have to stand over you to make sure you get the job done?
Would your parents, teachers, or employers describe you as a good worker? If not, you can change. You can become a hardworking girl. Admit that you are not as hardworking as you should be, ask God for help to change, and ask your parents to keep you accountable. Working hard may not be fun at first, but it is so much more satisfying than being lazy. And it’s definitely something that godly guys want in a wife.
5. Love for children
If you want to marry a traditional guy, keep in mind that he is probably looking forward to having a family. Traditional guys (and girls) value children and believe that each life is precious to God. If you want to be a mama someday, cultivate a love for children. Realize that they are not a burden or an inconvenience. They are a huge blessing and a reward from God (Psalm 127:3)
Here are some suggestions to cultivate your love for children.
- Ask God to give you a love for children.
- If you have young siblings, love on them! Take them on outings and shower them with love and attention.
- If you don’t have young siblings, volunteer to work in your church’s nursery.
- Volunteer to babysit for a young mom who’s overwhelmed.
- Teach a kids’ Bible club or Sunday School class (So much fun!)
A love for children is one of the key things godly guys want in a wife. Read more in my post on feminine skills that every girl should cultivate.
Let’s Chat:
If you and I want to marry godly guys one day, we need to become the women of their dreams. It’s a tall order- and one that will be impossible without God’s help. I definitely need God’s grace to keep growing as a godly woman, and you do, too. And the good news is that His grace is always available for those who humble themselves and ask for it! Pray and seek Him, and He will give you His incredible grace.
For more on this topic, read this post:
5 More Things That Traditional Guys Want in a Wife