Titus 2 Tuesdays Rachel
Faith, Guest Posts, Titus 2 Tuesdays

Titus 2 Tuesdays: Rachel Innocenti

Hello lovelies! This week is the first installment of a new blog series called Titus 2 Tuesdays. According to Titus 2:3-5, we can learn much from godly women who are older than us. Each Tuesday, I’ll interview a godly lady and ask her some important questions. Our first guest is Rachel Innocenti. I’ve been so blessed to get to know her through her modest fashion account on Instagram (@mrs.rachelinnocenti). While she juggles marriage, motherhood, and camp ministry, she is always so joyful and positive. And I love her sense of style- it’s fun, colorful, and always feminine. In this post, she’ll answer some questions and share a modest outfit!

Keep reading for Titus 2 Tuesday, with our guest Mrs. Rachel Innocenti.

lady wearing yellow striped top and blue skirt, modest outfit, Titus 2 lady

Q: How did you come to accept Christ as your Savior?

I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home, and, because of that, we were in church every chance my family got. My parents also took time to invest in our hearts. When I was four, I asked my mom, “When are the trumpets going to sound and Jesus going to come back?” She took that opportunity to present the Gospel to me, and I accepted His free gift of salvation! However, I do not remember what I prayed or what happened after, so I struggled with doubts growing up. Satan knew he could make me struggle. When I was thirteen, I finally claimed the promise that once your name is in the Book of Life, no one and nothing can remove it! 

Q: Do you have a favorite Bible verse or passage of Scripture? Why is it special to you? 

I always pick a verse and then find a new favorite as I continue to study!  Can you say indecisive? 🙂 My current favorite is Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” I think that our culture and world today can be so judgmental, whether they admit it or not. Under Christ, we are one! 

blond lady wearing yellow top and smiling

Q: What are your best tips on time management?

I am no expert, but I have learned some things 🙂 I recommend getting the tiresome things done and out of the way before doing fun things. I know this sounds obvious, but it really does make a difference! Another mind-blowing idea is called the “Touch It Once” rule. And it means just what it says. When you pick something up, put it away! Don’t move it to one spot only to have to move it again. 

Q: How did you and your husband meet? What advice would you give to young ladies who are looking for Mr. Right?

Mike and I met at the Christian camp we currently work at. We were both counselors on the same team! Mike noticed me first, and I took a little more convincing. 🙂 

My top advice would be is to stop looking and work on growing in Christ! Focus on serving others. God will not give you the gift and responsibility of a man until you are actively growing in Him and applying His Word in your life. Lastly, realize that singleness is not a bad thing or a punishment from God! You can do so much as a single! It can be a gift! 

girl wearing modest outfit and sitting in the grass

Q: Looking back at your single years, what did you do that really helped you in the future? 

This goes back to what I was saying in the previous question, but I put my focus and energy into growing in Christ and serving Him! That’s the reason I felt led to become a camp counselor. Funny enough, when I surrendered my desire for a man, and I took a step to serve others with my summer, God gave me Michael! Anyways, pour yourself into your family, friends, and others! Because I did this, I was ready to pour myself into a relationship and now my own little family. The dream of marriage and a family takes work, and taking steps to learn unselfishness when you are younger is such a help!

Q: What are some of the most influential books you’ve read?

I am unfortunately not a very good reader. I know that sounds awful.. 🙂 But I have read a couple books I have loved. They include, What do I Know About My God? by Mardi Collier, Lies Women Believe by Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth, and I.D.- Who Am I in Christ by Natalie Durso. 

Q: How do you stay joyful even when you face stress or disappointment? 

I have to remind myself that emotions are temporary, fleeting, and sometimes untrue. But my God is forever, faithful, and true all the time! Also, God is good all the time, even if I can’t see the end result. I may be disappointed at sometimes, but God’s plan is better than I could dream! 

Q: What is the #1 biggest thing God has taught you through camp ministry? 

This is a hard one! If I were to choose one thing, it would be what we call Elite Love. Learning what 1 Corinthians 13 love really means! It means showing Christ’s love…both to the world outside and the Christian world. Jesus chose to go to Samaria and talk to the woman at the well! We need to be willing to show that kind of love! 

Closing Thoughts (from Claudine):

I hope you enjoyed reading Rachel’s answers as much as I did. I especially liked how she encouraged us as young ladies to focus on serving and loving God and others. It is definitely such good practice for our future families! We should always be seeking to learn from godly older women in our lives. Stay tuned for next week’s Titus 2 Tuesday, and don’t forget to check out Rachel’s IG account @mrs.rachelinnocenti!

And please comment below and share what you learned (or liked best) from this post. 🙂



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  1. “Stop looking and work on growing….” I LOVE that advice, Rachel! That is the perfect way to sum it up! I hope other young girls will read that and be encouraged to think about it differently. Thanks for sharing it with us 🙂 And I love the bright colors in your outfit!

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for commenting, Elizabeth! ♥️

  2. Jessica says:

    Rachel definitely displays the joy of the Lord! I loved getting to know her more. Her tips for single women are excellent. Focus on God and He will bring the right person in your life. So good.

    1. admin says:

      Yes, I couldn’t agree more! I really appreciated her wise counsel in this post. Thanks for commenting, Jessica! ♥️

  3. Great time management tip. I’ve never been very good at managing my time, but the little things like the “touch it once” rule can certainly make a difference. Her advice for singles is spot on. And I love the outfit. (I’ve recently had this thing for stripes.) I’m looking forward to more T2T posts!

    1. admin says:

      Yes, I loved that tip, too! Thank you for commenting, Natalie! I’m excited to share more of the Titus 2 Tuesday posts!

  4. Kiara says:

    I enjoyed this post!

    1. admin says:

      So glad to hear that, Kiara!

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