Little girls dream of growing up to marry a handsome Prince. College girls daydream and wonder, “Could he be the one?” And grandmothers still talk about, “My Bill,” with a tender smile. Women of all ages love a good romance…especially the ones where we get to play the princess! God created us with a desire for romance. Even if our hearts have been broken before, we long to be pursued, loved, and cherished.
And God calls us to the romance of a lifetime.

God Is the Author of Earthly Romance
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
James 1:17
God could have made earth a dark, dreary place. He didn’t have to make it beautiful or pleasant.
But He loved us.
And He wanted to put His glory on display.
So God made an earth bursting with color and light. He filled the earth with animals, plants, and natural beauty. He created man in His own image and gave him dominion over everything.
And yet something was missing.
So God created woman and gave her to man in joyful marriage.
He gave them starry nights to enjoy together.
He planted every kind of flower, knowing that women would love to receive them from their men.
He hid diamonds deep within the earth, knowing that men would delight in discovering them and women would delight in wearing them.
And, in the New Testament, God revealed the glorious purpose of each earthly marriage.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
Ephesians 5:31-32
When a husband loves his wife, and a wife submits to her husband, they show the glory of Christ’s relationship with His Bride, the Church.

God Loved You First
But God wants more than just a romance with His Church as a whole.
He wants a romance with YOU.
Since your very first moments in the womb, God saw you and loved you (see Psalm 139).
Knowing you would sin, He sent His only Son to die for you.

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8
If you turn from your sin and believe on Jesus, He will save you and forgive you.
And you will become a member of the universal Church and the Bride of Christ.
One day, you’ll wear a white robe and meet your Bridegroom, Jesus, face to face. And you will delight in His presence forever!
There is no greater privilege or joy.

God Is Jealous for Our Hearts
Whether you’ve been a born again Christian for 5 minutes or 55 years, God is jealous for your heart.
He understands you as no one else could, but He wants you to pour out your heart before Him.
But, in the busyness of a day, you forget to talk to Him.
He knows exactly what would make you smile, and He showers you with blessings each day.
Sometimes you don’t notice, though. You miss the wildflowers on the path or the sparkling stars or the warm hand of a child in yours.
And the saddest of all is when your heart is stolen.
As a fiancé would be devastated to learn that his beloved was unfaithful, God’s heart breaks when we choose to love someone (or something) more than we love Him.
Self, people, work, entertainment, success, money…all these can take God’s rightful place in our hearts.
But we were created to love God first with all our heart.
Whether married or single, dating or dreaming of it, God wants to be our first love.
He wants to be our hero in every problem, our source of wisdom, and our greatest delight.
Ladies, we are called to the romance of a lifetime. Will we accept His offer?
Wishing you the happiest of Valentine’s!

Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder! I enjoyed your article immensely! It’s precious how the Lord speaks through you! Thank you!
Thank you for reading and commenting, Sierra! Praise the Lord! His grace definitely helps me with my writing, and I’m glad it was a blessing!
“He knows exactly what would make you smile” thank you for posting Claudine 🙂
You are so welcome. Thank you for reading and commenting, Phebe! 🙂