Hello lovelies! I have a confession to make. One of my greatest temptations is worry. In particular, I am often tempted to worry about the future. I dream of happily ever after. But I know that life has thorns and tears that are never mentioned in the fairytale. I worry about all that I can’t control (which is a lot!) But, over the past few years, God has taught me so much about how to overcome worry, fear, and anxiety. And, by His grace, I have learned how sweet it is to trust in Jesus. In today’s post, I want to share the secrets to how to stop worrying.
Here’s how to stop worrying about the future.

1. Remember who is in control.
If we strip away all the extra packing tape, foam peanuts, and bubble wrap, worry is a lack of trust.
Why do we worry? Because we want to control the situation. We don’t trust God to handle it well enough.
Worry is based on this {false} idea.
If I worry enough about it, I can control the situation.
-Worried Me
Not true!
The only One who is truly in control is our all-powerful God.
Worry trusts in Me.
But Faith trusts in God.
In life, everything falls into 3 categories.
- Things over which I have 0% control. This includes the weather, government decisions, my birth, my death, and other circumstances that God has already arranged for me (abilities, your family, birth order, etc.)
- Things over which I have PARTIAL control. This includes my relationships with others, my future plans, job, school, etc.
- Things over which I have 100% control. This includes my thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behavior. No one else can change these things except me!
Now, let’s talk about how to handle these categories wisely so we can know how to stop worrying!

2. Pray about everything.
If you’re worrying about a category 1 problem, give it to God. He is 100% able to take care of it. And worrying will NOT change the situation.
If you’re worried about something in category 2, ask God to help you do your best in your part. Pray for guidance to know what to do and grace to help you do it well. Then, ask Him to take care of the situation. Leave the part you can’t control with Him.
Instead of trying to control everything, surrender yourself to God.
Surrender your today to the God who strengthens you to do all things.
And surrender your tomorrow to the One who writes the very best stories.
To be honest, we usually worry about categories 1 and 2 but not category 3. However, category 3 is where we should invest our emotional energies. We should be constantly praying, seeking God, and walking in obedience.
God doesn’t expect us to arrange the circumstances of our lives. He expects us to trust and obey. Is that so much to ask?
What if you are tempted to worry about it again?
Then remind yourself, “I prayed about it. God’s going to handle that. I don’t need to worry about it.”
And move on to do the next thing! This is KEY for how to stop worrying.
3. Realize that worry is a liar.
Worry is not truth. It is not a fact. It is our best guess of what may or may not happen. Our feelings and imaginations are NOT reliable indicators of truth.
How to stop worrying? Fill your mind with something worthy. Meditate on the character and promises of God. Isaiah 26:3-4, Psalm 37:23-24, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, and Isaiah 43:2 are great places to start!

4. Prepare for the future.
Although it is wrong to worry, it is NOT wrong to plan and prepare for the future. Some worries are caused by our disorganization, procrastination, and lack of preparation.
For example, if you are thinking about job options, it is wise to do your homework. Talk to people in the fields you are considering. Ask your parents and pastor for advice. Pray much. And then step out in faith with a surrendered heart. If you take a wrong turn, God will show you that if you’re walking with Him. And you can just turn around and take the right turn.
Or, if you’re worried about an exam, spend half an hour every night studying for it. Write a list of what you need to do every week. Set reminders on your phone or laptop if you’re worried about forgetting something important. Be disciplined, and you will reap the rewards of an organized life!
5. Be excited about the future!
“Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.”
Proverbs 31:25
Why did the Proverbs 31 woman rejoice about the future? What made her able to look forward with delight, not worry?
Instead of worrying, she trusted in her faithful God. She knew that He was going to pour out blessings, just as He had in the past.
She knew that, if tears fell, He would gently wipe them away. He would give grace for every trial.
And she knew that He would arrange everything–even the hard things–for her good and His glory.
Like her, we should eagerly anticipate all the good that God is going to do in our lives! We should believe this glorious truth:
“For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”‘
Psalm 84:11
6. Pray for others.
Personally, I spend most of my worrying time focused on myself and my problems. And this is extremely selfish. I tend to forget about the people in my life who need prayer just as much as me!
Instead of worrying about yourself and your problems, start praying for others. There is ALWAYS someone who needs prayer.

More tips…
- Get enough sleep. When I am short on sleep, I not only worry more, but I also seem to lose some of my common sense and rational thinking abilities. Tell me I’m not the only one!
- If you’re feeling extremely stressed out, do something with your hands. Sew a button; fold some laundry; play the piano. It will help your brain calm down considerably.
- Turn off the radio, music, and TV. Too much noise can take a toll on the soul. Take 15 minutes to drink a cup of tea and talk to Jesus.
- Take a sheet of paper and write down 20 things you are thankful for.
- Go for a brisk walk in the forest with a friend. Notice the beauty of God’s creation. Breathe deeply and inhale the phytoncides in the forest air. Phytoncides are special oils released from trees that will boost your immune system and help you fight off disease. How amazing is that?
Further Resources:
Answering Anxiety: sermon by Dr. Marc Monte (part of his excellent Peace of Mind series)
Quieting a Noisy Soul: sermon by Dr. Jim Berg
What Easter Teaches Us About Joy in the Waiting (my post)
Worry: Pursuing a Better Path to Peace: booklet by David Powlison
Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest: book by Ed Welch
Note: Although I differ from the last two authors on some theological points, I have found some of their counseling/Christian growth resources to be very helpful.
Let’s Chat:
Although worrying about the future is a very common problem, it doesn’t have to be normal. Learn to process your worry in a Biblical way by praying about the future and leaving it in God’s hands. Be responsible and prepare for the future. Practice praying for others. And, when all goes wrong, go for a walk in the forest! What are your favourite tips for overcoming worry/stress? I’d love to hear in the comment section!

p.s. Some of the items in this post are affiliate links. I only post about products that I believe in. As an Amazon Associate or affiliate for other programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. When you purchase through my link, I receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you SO much for your support!
I can 100% relate with you on the fact that if I didn’t get enough sleep the night before, by the evening I am thinking quite un-rationally and usually start crying about things that I feel aren’t changeable when they are in reality not that big of a deal or in my control. I tend to put myself down about being like that but in the morning I realize
those moments aren’t because of lack of self control in not going to bed on time, but the joys of motherhood & night feedings 😆
Yes! Lack of sleep does make it tougher to stay calm and think rationally. But I agree- don’t be so hard on yourself. God gives grace for each season of life and you’re doing a wonderful job as a mama! Keep up the great work and trust Him!
I think this is a very good post!(from a fellow chronic warrior..ha!) Something that also helps me is to direct my focus to praise. Praising God for Who He is, what He’s done, and what He is doing has been a help to me. It gets my mind off all of the “what-if’s”!
Thank you for reading and commenting, Elizabeth! That is an awesome tip. After all, the devil loves to use worry to distract us from the important things. But praise will definitely drive him crazy and calm out hearts, too!
Wow, I needed this post, even though I didn’t really think I did when I started reading it! Thank once again, Claudine! Such deep, yet practical advice! Love and hugs from New Brunswick!
I’m so happy to hear it was an encouragement, Sara! Thanks for your support! Love you!! 💕