Hello my lovelies! With Christmas in just 11 days, you may be thinking about your gift list. Some people are very easy to shop for, while others take a little more time and thought. In today’s post, I’m sharing 7 questions to help you find …

Hello my lovelies! With Christmas in just 11 days, you may be thinking about your gift list. Some people are very easy to shop for, while others take a little more time and thought. In today’s post, I’m sharing 7 questions to help you find …
Hello friends! One of my favourite things about Christmas is the fun of planning and shopping for gifts. I’ve been known to start buying gifts in September (or even earlier!) Although I set a dollar amount for each person, I always want to get the …
Hello my lovelies! All of us have experienced moments of frustration in our relationships. Whether family or friends, people aren’t perfect. And it’s easy to look across the white picket fence and compare our relationships to those next door. I feel incredibly blessed with my …
Hello my lovelies! Where do you want to be in 10 years? Do you want to have a happy marriage and a family of your own by then? I know I certainly do. Preparing for your future family starts today. From an early age, my …
Hello my lovelies! Have you ever wondered, “What does it mean to love your neighbor?” Today’s post is all about how we can love the people God’s placed in our lives. As feminine ladies, loving others is a key character trait to develop. And it …
Hello lovelies! Whether you’re a longtime reader or just arrived, welcome to my little corner of the internet! One of the reasons I write is to encourage young women who are pursuing traditional femininity. I believe that God’s design for womanhood is incredibly beautiful. Being …
Hello my lovelies! If you’re a traditional young lady, you may ask, “What is the secret to great hospitality? And how can I become a great hostess?” Hospitality is a wonderful skill for us to practice. I love welcoming people into our home, and I am …
Hello my lovelies! I have a question for you today. Where do you want to be in 5 or 10 years? What do you see yourself doing and becoming? Personally, my dream is to be a wife, mom, and and homemaker. In our girl-boss culture, …
As women, we hold in our hands an exceptional power. It is the power to influence the men in our lives. Whether that’s your brother, husband, boyfriend, or a friend, you can either build him up or tear him down. You can bring either sunshine …