Hello my curly beauties! Today’s post is specifically for my wavy-haired readers with type 2a, 2b, or 2c curls. If you have type 2 wavy hair, your hair may need a little time and patience before it reaches its full curl potential. You may deal …

Hello my curly beauties! Today’s post is specifically for my wavy-haired readers with type 2a, 2b, or 2c curls. If you have type 2 wavy hair, your hair may need a little time and patience before it reaches its full curl potential. You may deal …
If you had shown me a picture of my current hair 5 years ago, I would have thought, “That looks like a TON of work!” Back then, I loved the look of curly hair. I was just too lazy to spend 30 minutes curling it. …