Hello my curly beauties! Today’s post is specifically for my wavy-haired readers with type 2a, 2b, or 2c curls. If you have type 2 wavy hair, your hair may need a little time and patience before it reaches its full curl potential. You may deal …

Hello my curly beauties! Today’s post is specifically for my wavy-haired readers with type 2a, 2b, or 2c curls. If you have type 2 wavy hair, your hair may need a little time and patience before it reaches its full curl potential. You may deal …
Hello my curly girls! Have you ever wondered, “How can I make my hair more curly?” If you’ve just started your curly hair journey, you’re going to love the process! But maybe your curls have stalled. Maybe they look limp and lifeless, and you just …