Hello lovelies! Have you ever struggled to trust God? While it’s easy to say we trust God, it can be a lot harder to live out that trust when life seems out of control. Today, let’s consider the life of a woman who trusted God …

Hello lovelies! Have you ever struggled to trust God? While it’s easy to say we trust God, it can be a lot harder to live out that trust when life seems out of control. Today, let’s consider the life of a woman who trusted God …
Hello lovelies! Welcome back to my Names of God series. Today, we are exploring another beautiful Name of God, Jehovah Shalom. To understand it, we’ll need to turn back the pages of Israel’s history and meet a man who felt that he wasn’t good enough. …
Are you restless? Stressed out? Is there a constant noise in your soul that keeps you on edge? If so, you’re carrying a burden God never intended for you. No matter how busy or burdened you are, you can have rest in your soul. In …
Hello curly girls! It’s here at last…Black Friday 2022! Black Friday is always a good time to check out the online sales- especially for Curly Girl products that can be hard to get in-store. Today I’ve gathered some of the best Black Friday deals for …
Hello my lovely readers! Welcome back to our Names of God series. Today, we’re looking at one of my favourite names of God – Jehovah Jireh. It’s a powerful name that speaks of God’s provision and sufficiency for our every need. My God is Jehovah …
Hello curly girls! If you’re following the Curly Girl Method, you know that everyday bath towels are a no-no for curly hair. Due to their rough texture, they can cause frizz and disrupt curl patterns. Instead, many curly girls use an old, soft t-shirt to …
Hello my lovelies! Today, we’ll continue our Names of God series by studying the name El Olam, which means “the eternal God.” In a world of constant change, there is One who always stays the same. In Him, our hearts find true rest. My God …
Hello curly girls! Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed in the hair product aisle? Faced with a sea of choices, where does a curly girl even start? If you’re following the Curly Girl Method, you know how important it is to choose products that will …
Hello dear readers! If you are a born again Christian, you know that your most important relationship is with your God. Yet, in the busyness of life, we can easily grow distracted and lose focus on our Savior. I believe that we need to seek …