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A Rest to Satisfy Your Restless Soul

Are you restless? Stressed out? Is there a constant noise in your soul that keeps you on edge? If so, you’re carrying a burden God never intended for you. No matter how busy or burdened you are, you can have rest in your soul. In today’s post, we’re going to do a deep dive into the topic of rest for the believer.

Read on to learn about a rest that can satisfy your restless soul.

What does a restless soul look like?

Restless (adj): characterized by a lack of quiet, repose, or rest; not able to rest, relax or be still

It’s hurried. Anxious. Stressed out. Weighed down by care and burdens. Unable to rest and be still. Mind full of anxious cares. Body exhausted but unable to relax.

Restlessness is so common today that many have come to accept it as normal.

“I have anxiety. I’m just a chronic overthinker,” they say.

But, is that the way God wants His children to live?

Is this state of mind actually necessary to ensure that we have a successful life?

Is it even healthy?

God’s Word speaks into our restless hearts with a simple command.

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

1 Peter 5:6-7

In my Bible, I don’t see any footnote that says, “Except if you have too much to do,” or, “Except if you just enjoy worrying and want to do it.” No exceptions.

God doesn’t want us to be restless.

Instead, God wants us to be restful.

Restful (adj.): being at rest, quiet

Imagine with me a little child taking a nap in Mama’s arms. He is completely relaxed and at ease.

No furrows cross his brow. No anxious cares keep him awake. Instead, he is at rest.

Like a little child, God wants us to trust Him and rest in Him completely. Jesus invites us,

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”

Matthew 11:28-29

Jesus’ yoke isn’t harsh or impossibly heavy. And He doesn’t want us to be stressed out and anxious.

Worrying is never on His to-do list for us. Instead, He calls us to trust and obey.

When you truly accept Jesus’ yoke and yield to Him, a heavy weight will be lifted off your soul.

And you can walk through life in a state of peace and contentment.

Yes, you will have concerns and cares, but you can bring them to Jesus and let Him carry them for you.

Jesus’ yoke is easy, and He will give you rest for your soul.

The Restful Attitude of Our Saviour

For three and a half years, Jesus travelled in full-time ministry.

People crowded streets and packed out synagogues to hear His words and see His miracles.

The religious leaders sent spies to trap Him and plotted to kill Him.

When He wasn’t healing people or preaching on desert hilltops, He was discipling twelve needy men from radically different backgrounds.

And every dusty step brought Him closer to a blood-soaked cross.

Yet, through every moment of every day, Jesus was at rest.

He slept through storms. He laughed with His friends. He took time to bless the little children.

And, when it was time to die, He boldly walked up to the crowd and said, “I am He.”

How could Jesus have such a restful attitude?

He trusted that His Father knew best.

He knew that God’s wisdom would bring to pass a story so breathtakingly beautiful that no human could have imagined it.

This story was the story of a cross and an empty tomb. It’s a story that offers forgiveness and eternal life to whosoever will. (Read more about that here.)

How can you enter God’s rest?

  1. Stop trying so hard. Cease from your own works. Give up worrying, and stressing out, and trying to make everything happen the way you want it. You are not responsible to figure out the future.
    You are not responsible to make other people behave (or be happy).
    And you are NOT responsible to make everything in your life work out beautifully.
    Instead, you are responsible for your behaviour and beliefs – which leads us to the next step.
  2. Believe Him.
    When I’m restless and anxious, it’s always because I’ve let in a tiny grain of unbelief somewhere.
    “What if God doesn’t provide what I need? What if He isn’t actually doing what’s best for me? What if I miss out on something?”
    If I allow it to grow, that grain of unbelief will quickly mushroom and cloud my thinking. It will steal my joy and peace and make me restless and agitated.
    Instead, I need to pick up the shield of faith and declare that I believe God. I need to remind myself of the truth –
    God is always good.
    God does have a good plan for my life, and He is working it out.
    God will direct my steps and show me His will.
    God will give me the desires of my heart.
    God is still on the throne!
  3. Obey Him.
    Sometimes, restlessness is caused by our disobedience to God. Either we’re doing something we know we shouldn’t, or we aren’t doing something that God has told us to do.
    If that’s you, stop playing hide and seek with God. (It didn’t work for Adam and Eve, and it’s not going to work for you, either.)
    Confess your sin, ask Him to forgive you, and start obeying now.
    Trust me; you will be glad you did!

Let’s Chat:

Do you struggle with a restless soul sometimes? If so, how has God helped you learn to rest in Him? Share your thoughts in the comment section!

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