Hello lovelies! Whether you’re a longtime reader or just arrived, welcome to my little corner of the internet! One of the reasons I write is to encourage young women who are pursuing traditional femininity. I believe that God’s design for womanhood is incredibly beautiful. Being a traditional woman is both rewarding and satisfying.
Here are 7 reasons why I love being a traditional woman.

1. Keeping the Home
According to God’s Word, a woman’s calling is to be a keeper at home (Titus 2:5). As a child, my siblings and I grew up in the warmth and security of my mother’s constant presence. When we scraped a knee, when we had a burning question, or when we just needed a hug, Mom was always there for us.
I love how God designed the family so that men and women have complementary roles. While the man provides and protects for his family, the woman nurtures and supports her family. And the best way to do that is by being a keeper at home! (Although it may not be possible in every situation, I believe it is the Biblical pattern.)
As an unmarried woman, I do have a job outside the home to save for the future. But I know that this is just a temporary situation. I’m not going to be a career woman forever. When I’m a wife someday, Lord willing, I can’t wait to be a keeper at home! To prepare for that, I practice serving my family and developing lots of skills. Here are some ideas of feminine skills to cultivate.

2. Motherhood
“To be a mother is the grandest vocation in the world. No one being has a position of such power and influence. She holds in her hands the destiny of nations.
Hannah Whitall Smith
Especially if they stay at home, mothers have a tremendous influence on the lives of their children. They are responsible to teach little ones about good and evil, the realities of our world, and the glorious Gospel. It is often at a mother’s knee that a child learns to pray, to trust, and to believe in a God he has never seen.
However, it’s not easy to be a mother. Mamas say that motherhood stretches you, changes you, and shapes you. It teaches you to be less selfish. Lauren Demoss Benson writes,
Mama, labor and delivery, holding your newborn, bringing them home and falling in love, it will break you. It will shatter you into a thousand little pieces, and honestly your arms are too full to pick them up and put them all back together just the way they were.
Lauren Demoss Benson (Full article)
As a traditional woman, I believe that motherhood is an incredible gift. I love children, and I believe that they are a blessing and gift from God. And I can’t wait to be a joyful mother of children someday!

3. Nurturing Others
God created women to be tender-hearted. They are quick to listen, care, and sympathize. They tend to be more sensitive to the feelings and needs of others than men. And traditional, feminine women have a natural tendency to nurture others.
Whether that’s befriending a lonely child or providing a listening ear, traditional women are nurturers. They find joy in serving their family, friends, and extended community. They have learned the sweet truth that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)
4. Beautifying the Landscape
Almost every February during my homeschool education was Art Appreciation Month. We would check out numerous books from the library on art history and page through works by Van Gogh, da Vinci, and many more.
However, I noticed that the most popular subjects seemed to be female.
My hypothesis is this.
When an artist wanted to paint the most beautiful thing he could find, he chose a woman.
God created women to beautify the landscape. And traditional women who embrace their femininity are radiantly beautiful. Their countenance, clothing, hair, and makeup (if they choose to wear it) always bring glory to God.
If you’re a traditional woman, embrace your God-given beauty. Don’t hide it. Rather, seek to honour God with your outward beauty, and be a radiant ambassador for Him.

5. Protection & Provision
As I mentioned in #1, I believe that men are to be the protecters and providers for their families. I am so thankful to have a godly father who lovingly protects us from anything that would threaten us.
As a traditional woman, I joyfully embrace this! I’m thankful that my dad is protective and cares about my best interests. I’m grateful for his hard work to provide for our family.
This means I don’t have to “take care of myself.” Instead of facing the world alone, I am sheltered under the umbrella of my father’s loving care. He gives me wise advice when I face difficulties. He offers a shoulder to cry on when I feel overwhelmed. And he leads our family in following the Lord. One day, I want to marry a traditional man just like him!
6. Not Being the Boss
Personally, I don’t want to be the boss! It’s hard enough to make myself behave, let alone trying to make other people behave.
As an unmarried woman, it’s a blessing to be under my dad’s authority and guidance. I know that he wants what is best for me. And, where my wishes conflict with his, I will submit to his direction. For example, I wanted to go on a trip to Israel last spring. But, due to political unrest, Papa didn’t want me to go. Although it was disappointing, I decided to submit and didn’t go to Israel. (Which turned out to be the best choice!) After all, submitting to my dear father means submitting to God.
Someday, I’ll be happy to submit to my husband. I’m glad that, although both of us will participate in making decisions, the final choice will be his. I won’t answer to God for our family, but he will. Leading a family is a weighty responsibility. And I’m glad it won’t be on my shoulders. God truly does know best!

7. Feminine Influence
Although some women have neglected or abused their feminine influence, it is the key that unlocks many doors. As a woman, you have the power to influence men in significant ways. Learn to use that power for their good.
It’s not easy to be a traditional, godly man in our current culture. As a traditional woman, I want to build up the men in my life. To do this, I thank them when they do something kind or helpful. I seek to verbally acknowledge their hard work, character, and growth. I treat them with respect and sweetness. And, in return, they treat me like a princess! π
Let’s Chat:
What do you love most about being a traditional woman? I love that traditional women often get to stay home and raise babies (#dreamjob). I appreciate their abilities to nurture others, influence men for good, and beautify the landscape. I’m thankful for godly men that lead, provide, and protect us. Being a traditional woman might not always be easy, but it is a pathway full of blessings!

βWhen an artist wanted to paint the most beautiful thing he could find, he chose a woman.β What a beautiful observation!!! Love that thought! There truly is something so beautiful about a woman embracing her role! π
Yes, I couldn’t agree more! Thank you for reading and commenting, Jessica. π
I love how Christlike, radiant femininity can make SUCH a difference in the people around us(and Christ-built masculinity). I love striving for this! I know I fall so, so short, so there are definitely always ways to learn and grow!
Oh yes! That is a very good point, Elizabeth. And your example of radiant femininity is an encouragement to so many young ladies, including me. Keep up the great work and God bless you!
Thank you so much!