Hello lovelies! If you know me at all, you probably know that I LOVE to read. Mom taught me to read at an early age, and I devoured my first novel, Heidi, at age 5. Reading opened a world of imagination, colour, and ideas to my young mind. It shaped my values and helped me walk in other people’s shoes. Years later, I still love reading…both fiction and nonfiction. Today I’ve rounded up a list of my top books for Christian girls. These books have some gems of truth that our generation desperately needs. Happy reading!
Read on for my top 5 must-read books for Christian girls.
1. Preparing to Be a Help Meet (Debi Pearl)

I once heard an evangelist say that all girls have wanted to get married since they were 4 years old. I don’t know about you, but that’s definitely true for me! I’ve read quite a bit on preparing for marriage, singleness, relationships, etc., but this is my absolute favourite book on the topic.
Debi Pearl is a grandmother, mother, and happily married wife who has so much wisdom to impart. She teaches you about different types of men, how to get to know guys without flirting, finding God’s will for who to marry, and more.
One of the best parts of this book is that it contains true love stories of Christian couples who did it God’s way. This book for Christian girls is written from a heart of love and wisdom and has been a huge encouragement to me.
Available on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca.
2. The Five Love Languages (Gary Chapman)

A classic of Christian nonfiction, this book has stood the test of time. First published in 1973, this book describes how people express love in different ways, or “love languages.” The five languages are:
- Quality Time
- Words of Affirmation
- Acts of Service
- Physical Touch
- Receiving Gifts
With practical examples and thorough explanations, this book will help you understand how YOU best receive love. It will help you lay a good groundwork for your future marriage.
If possible, get your whole family to read it and talk about your different love languages. That way, you’ll know how to best express love to them (and vice versa).
Dr. Chapman also has a Love Languages test available on his website for free.
Available on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca.
3. The Hidden Art of Homemaking (Edith Schaeffer)

Girls, don’t ever let anyone discourage you from wanting to be a stay-at-home mom someday. It is God’s highest calling for any woman. I feel so incredibly blessed that my mom forfeited an income, stayed home, and homeschooled us all through K-12. Someday, I hope to follow in her footsteps.
That’s why I enjoyed this book from Edith Schaeffer so much. You might think it’s all about cleaning or chore charts, but it’s actually not. Edith begins by describing how God is the greatest Artist, and therefore we should seek to cultivate beauty in our daily lives.
With chapters on everything from cooking to sewing to performing arts to writing, she calls the reader to a life of intentional beauty. And she also includes many practical ideas of how to implement the book’s concepts. Trust me- you’ll love it!
Available on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca.
4. I Kissed Dating Goodbye (Joshua Harris)

Even though its author, Joshua Harris, has rejected the ideas found in it, I still recommend I Kissed Dating Goodbye. In this book, Harris teaches young adults to avoid casual dating for short-term pleasure. Rather, he challenges them to prepare for marriage and only date/court for the purpose of possible marriage.
This book for Christian girls and guys also includes some fantastic chapters on purity, guarding your heart, developing Christlike love, and understanding God’s forgiveness. It’s one of the best books I’ve read on boy-girl relationships, and I highly recommend it.
Available on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca.
5. Overcoming Being Overcome (Debbie Lavender)

I feel blessed to know Debbie personally and call her a friend. She is a sweet pastor’s wife who always has a smile on her face and a word of encouragement. This book started as an intended workshop for ladies who were feeling overwhelmed. It grew and grew until she had enough material for a book!
If I’m feeling discouraged or tired, this book is the perfect thing to encourage me and refresh my heart. It includes practical advice for when you feel overwhelmed, hilarious stories, and time-tested wisdom from God’s Word. Debbie understands how to find rest in Jesus, and she points us to His light yoke and easy burden. You will be encouraged by this book!
Available on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca.
Let’s Chat:
Have you read any of these books for Christian girls before? And what are some of your favourite books for Christian young women? I’d love to hear in the comments!

p.s. Some of the items in this post are affiliate links. I only post about products that I love + think you’ll probably love, too! As an Amazon Associate or affiliate for other programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. When you purchase through my link, I receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you SO much for your support!
P.P.S. Inclusion of a book or author on this list does not mean I endorse their position or doctrinal statement. I just think they have some valuable truth to offer in these books. Each of us needs to exercise godly discernment when choosing resources to study.
I love this book…The Modest Heart
Book by Crystal L. Garza
And I agree, I suggest Joshua Harris’ book for my kids to read when they are reaching the age to consider dating.
Very cool! I’ll have to check it out, Jen. Thanks for your comment! <3