Hello curly girls! Have you ever struggled with an oily scalp and oily hair? When you’re using products packed with moisturizing butters and oils, it can be tricky to find the right balance for your scalp and your curls. In today’s post, we’ll explore 5 easy fixes for oily hair.
Read on for 5 easy fixes for oily hair and scalp.
1. Dry Shampoo
For days when you just don’t have time to wash your hair but you need it to look presentable, you can use dry shampoo.
If you want to make an easy DIY dry shampoo, mix equal parts cornstarch and cocoa. Whisk together and store in a Ziplock bag. If your hair is lighter, you can use less cocoa.
Here are a few CG-friendly choices for dry shampoo.
Batiste Dry Shampoo, Tropical Scent
Batiste Divine Dark Dry Shampoo (for brunettes)

2. Acidic rinse
If you do have time to wash your hair, a natural acid rinse will help to cleanse away excess oils.
Try 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice mixed with warm water. Before shampooing your hair, gently pour it over your curls. Allow it to sit for a minute or two, and then rinse thoroughly. Follow with your normal routine.
3. Simplify your washday routine
How many products have you been using for your washday routine? If you are using too many products, it’s possible that you’re overloading your hair with moisture. Or you might be overdoing it on curl creams, butters, and oils.
Try going back to the basics – cleanser, conditioner, and one styling product.
Also, ensure that you rinse your scalp and hairline thoroughly, especially around your face.
This should help fix your oily scalp and roots!

4. Wear a headband or hat
If you are trying to hide oily scalp or roots, try a headband or hat. No matter what your aesthetic is, you can find a headband or hat to suit you. Here are some top picks for this year:
Bucket Hat with Embroidery
Cotton Fedora
Wool-Blend Beret
Velvet & Pearls Headband
Boho Bandana Hair Scarves
5. Put your hair up
Girls have been using this classic trick since my grandmother’s day! If you are having a bad hair day, pull your hair into a high ponytail or bun. Use a little dry shampoo on any oily spots, add some dangly earrings to distract, and you’ll be ready to go!
Let’s Chat:
How do you deal with oily hair and scalp? Do tell us your favorite tips and tricks in the comment section!

p.s. Some of the items in this post are affiliate links. I only post about products that I love + think you’ll probably love, too! As an Amazon Associate or affiliate for other programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. When you purchase through my link, I receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you SO much for your support!
I have a problem with my hair getting oily just because it’s thin and gets weighed down so easily! I have to be careful what I put in it. I also want to try a dry shampoo soon!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Elizabeth! Yes, fine hair can be a little trickier. My sister has fine hair and she gets great results with dry shampoo. I hope you can find one you love! Have a great day!